
SKIN CANCER: Prevention, Diagnosis And Treatment

The Sunscreens are products that are applied to the skin to prevent the harmful effects of the sun as the fotoinmunosupresión (eg low energy dose can occur even cold sore after sun exposure) and alterations in the melanins can lead to a wide range of pathologies, including, skin cancer.

What is the mission of sunscreens?

  • Reduce the risk of skin cancer
  • Prevent premature photoaging
  • Prevention of sunburn and photosensitizers

Are all equal there are different types of sunscreens?

General, the solar fiiltros classified 3 type:

  1. Physical filters (Mineral Screen Effect): Not absorbed into the skin. They stay at the level of the epidermis forming a barrier. They are mineral pigments that act by reflecting solar radiation. The high protection is due to screen effect against UV and IR. The most known and used in pharmaceutical products are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. A drawback, can say that it is not absorbed leaving the skin with a whitish color. The best of these filters is that they allow partnerships with chemical filters, so it is advisable to stock up on this type of combination of aggression to prevent solar.
  2. Chemical Filters: Penetrate the skin, thus may lead to allergic reactions in some cases. These filters selectively absorb radiation, o sea, according to their chemical composition transform solar radiation energy in a type that does not damage the skin or do so in the fewest possible. The filters used are the paraaminobenzoatos, cinamatos, oxybenzone and dibenzoylmethanes.
  3. Organic Filters: This type of filter is synthetic, is done in the laboratory and acts as a filter of a physical. They are insoluble pigments (not absorbed) and have a combined mechanism of action. On the one hand, reflect solar radiation and did not reflect the amount absorbed and transformed into harmless energy. The advantage we have is that they do not penetrate the skin (aprox.1-2% can be absorbed) and protect against UVB and UVA. They are best suited for cosmetic products and the most widely used are Tinosorb M and S.
  4. Biological Filters: It is a rare type of filter. No protection from solar action by themselves but combined keep out radiation.

What is the most appropriate sunscreen for my?

The response of the skin against solar radiation is different for each person, as this will depend on 3 basic factors:

Skin type is defined by skin color, hair color, tolerance and assimilation of tanning and sunburn tendency to. There are six phototypes:

Phototype C. Cabello Complexion Tend. Burns Tan
I Redhead Milky Constant Null
II Blond Clara Constant Light
III Brown Clara Frequent Clear
IV Dark Brown Mate Rare Dark
In Dark Brown Mate Exceptional Very dark
WE Black Black No trend Black

It dermopharmacy is very important to get a cream that is compatible with our skin and each formulation is designed to consistently comply with features physiological concrete. The scheme recommendation we follow is:

Galenic Formulation Recommendation
Cream Dry Skin | Face and Neck
Milk Children | Corporal
Spray Children | Athletes
Emulsión Oil Free Oily Skin | Acne | Alopecia

The choice of FPS is difficult in this section, because the conditions are sometimes not predictable. We know our skin type and capacity we have before the solar radiation, but there are days eg in March or April when the sun is more aggressive, or plan a way out of the mountain but will not know whether forest or open field,and so on..

Now, the big question is general among the population to determine the thypo de filter to solar use and know exactly, What is the FPS?

From the 2007, and simplify the large repertoire of creams on the market that confused the user, the European Commission adopted a new recommendation that regulates classification and efficiency requirements of these creams. So, in the following photo changes are reflected today to help us when choose sunscreen most appropriate.

Once, light having the protective factors available on the market (recommend reject everything that does not fit those rules), we rely on the following table for the most suitable for our skin.

Sensitive Skin Intolerant skin CHILDREN
Intolerance in the sun 50+ 50 50
Extreme Conditions 50+ 50 50+
Normal Insolation 25 | 30 50 30
Several days later 20 | 15 | 10 25 30 | 25

*Intolerance in the sun:when sun exposure is unavoidable (eg outdoor work, pools, beaches,…)

*Extreme Heat Stroke: Tropical Countries, Deserts, High seas and high mountains.

*Normal Insolation: First few days to clear and matte skin phototypes.

*Several days: After several days of exposure to light and matte skin types.

Sources of information:

Training Dossier "Sun Protection" Pierre Fabre Laboratories

COFB ( Col.legi Farmacèutics de Barcelona)

Accessories PDF:  Tips on Photoprotection (AEDV)


Last Review: 17 September 2009

CancerPiel.es is just an information guide. This information has been compiled from a variety of resources for consumer health. This information is provided with the understanding that it not be interpreted as medical or professional advice. All medical information needs to be carefully reviewed with your health care provider.


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